Shantane Joseph’s Profile

Active 6 months, 3 weeks ago
Shantane Joseph
Display Name
Shantane Joseph
Major Program of Study
Construction Management and Civil Engineering Technology

My Courses

MAT 1275/D534 Rozenblyum, Spring 2018

MAT 1275/D534 Rozenblyum, Spring 2018

An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, systems of linear equations, exponential and logarithmic functions; topics from trigonometry, including identities, equations and solutions of triangles.

CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics, Spring 2022

CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics, Spring 2022

The fundamentals of hydraulics for civil engineering technicians, including properties of fluids, fluid statics, manometers, forces on submerged plane and curved surfaces, buoyancy, principles of fluid flow, flow measurements, nozzles, Venturi meters, head losses. Use of commercial and non-commercial software as well as standard nomographs for solving hydraulic problems are utilized.

CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics Lab

CMCE 2351 Fluid Mechanics Lab

Fundamentals of fluid mechanics including: properties of fluids, fluid statics, manometers, center of pressure, buoyancy, stability, principles of fluid flow, flow measurements, frictional head losses, conservation of momentum and energy, pump power and efficient, and open channel flow.

MAT 1375 OL68 Fall 2021 Bonanome

MAT 1375 OL68 Fall 2021 Bonanome

This model course is designed for use by faculty teaching MAT 1375 on the OpenLab – it includes a number of resources and sample assignments to help you get started. If you are a faculty member, you can “clone the course” to create a copy for your use, and customize it in whatever way you wish. For help with cloning and customizing, take a look at the online module Getting started on the OpenLab with Math Model Courses.

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