medina’s Profile

Active 11 years, 12 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Restorative Dentistry
Academic interests

Restorative Dentistry


Hello my names is Medina Walkes
This is my third year of college. I was originally in Nusring, but decided to change my major to do something different and not do something my parents decide for to do. I’m a hard working student
and I always aim to do my very best. =)

My Courses

RESD Complete Dentures I

RESD Complete Dentures I

Complete Denture I is an introduction to basic techniques of full denture construction. This course will include anatomical terminology as it relates to full denture construction, fabricating of custom impression trays, constructing baseplates and occlusal rims, articulating casts, set-up of maxillary and mandibular opposing wax trial dentures using anatomical artificial teeth, festooning and contouring of full wax trial denture bases.

My Projects

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My Clubs

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