Magui carranza’s Profile

Active 5 years, 11 months ago
Magui carranza
Display Name
Magui carranza
Major Program of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences

My Courses

English 1121 Composition 2, Section D432

English 1121 Composition 2, Section D432

This is one of several sections of a new curriculum for English 1121 that is beginning this semester. In English 1121, we will continue the work we had begun in English 1101. This class aims to take the fundamental tools of writing, reading, research, and critical analysis further. The class will practice close reading and will learn how to approach texts from a variety of genres as well as learn about the idea of discourses and discourse communities. The class will involve assignments that allow us to engage with many types of media, including digital, and we will be asked to explore issues and problems that matter to us in our modern world. We will explore writing and research as a process and build research skills that can be applied to all areas of study. We will be able to develop our own ideas about writing that we can take with us into future academic and professional experiences. Students will engage in class discussion to strengthen critical thinking and develop the language to respond to a wide variety of texts, ideas, and societal issues.

ARTH1100, 402 SPRING 2019

ARTH1100, 402 SPRING 2019

“I went into photography because it seemed like the perfect vehicle for commenting on the madness of today’s existence.” — Robert Mapplethorpe This course surveys the history of photography from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century to the present. We will examine the use of photography for aesthetic, documentary, and “scientific” purposes, stylistic shifts in photography related to aesthetic concerns, and varying interpretations of subject matter based on social and cultural concerns at specific moments in history. We will also consider the relationship between photography and the visual arts in general, which culminates with the primacy of photography as a medium by the late twentieth century.

General Biology 1

General Biology 1

This course is an introduction to the scientific study of life, organization of life, evolutionary changes in living organisms and how life has evolved from simple to more complex, structure and organization of a cell, cellular metabolism, cellular reproduction, and the role of DNA in protein synthesis and heredity.

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