Luis Cabrera’s Profile

Active 1 years ago
1 to 3 (of 3)

Free Math Tutoring

Vaughn, Mukadder Cinar, Victor Lee

Free math tutoring for City Tech students, thanks to the Perkins Grant Funds. This tutoring service is designed to support students in their mathematical studies and is accessible online through Zoom. Our […]

PHYS 1433

Professor Maller

This is the first of a two-semester sequence of algebra-based physics course that is the foundation to further studies in engineering and technology. The first semester introduces students to concepts and […]

English 2001 Introduction to Fiction Spring 2023

English 2001 Introduction to Fiction Spring 2023

Rob Ostrom
ENG 2001|Spring 2023

This semester, we will explore the elements of fiction by reading (mostly) twentieth and twenty-first century American literature. Through an intensive study of selected short stories and a novel, using critical […]