kingsman’s Profile

Active 4 years, 10 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences

My Courses

American Government, Alexander Sections

American Government, Alexander Sections

This is the introductory course in American Government, with the main focus on the national level but some attention to state and local levels as well. This OpenLab site contains course materials as well as links to news sites and a discussion board to exchange ideas. Please keep disagreements friendly, and please keep in mind that our main purpose is more to analyze than to react and fume. When the course is over, as long as you still have an OpenLab account at City Tech, you are invited to continue posting on this discussion board. To access course materials, click “Visit Course Site” at the right of this page.

ENG1121 Composition II, Section E120 , Fall 2019

ENG1121 Composition II, Section E120 , Fall 2019

English 1121: Composition II, Sections E120, Fall 2019, Instructed by Holly Melgard

CST 1101: Problem Solving with Computer Programming

CST 1101: Problem Solving with Computer Programming

This course introduces students to concepts of problem solving using constructs of logic inherent in computer programming languages. Students study the nature of problems, common solution approaches and analysis techniques. Students use a flowchart interpreter to diagram problem solutions. Students learn the basics of computer programming by learning Python 2.7. Both Python scripts and flowcharts enable students to construct solutions to common algorithmic problems. The major emphasis is on teaching the student to identify solutions to a problem and translate them into various forms that will enable the computer to perform some of the steps in a solution of an actual problem instance. These forms include flowcharting tool, viewing generated software code and the basics of debugging the code.

Infant and Child Development: From Conception to Middle Childhood

Infant and Child Development: From Conception to Middle Childhood

The PowerPoint slides for the text Infant and Child Development: From Conception to Middle Childhood can be found in the file library to the left.

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My Clubs

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