Khriz’s Profile

Active 4 months, 2 weeks ago
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Major Program of Study
Environmental Control Technology

My Courses

MAT1275CO College Algebra and Trigonometry, Fall 2024

MAT1275CO College Algebra and Trigonometry, Fall 2024

An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, the distance and midpoint formula, graphing parabolas and circles, systems of linear and quadratic equations, an introduction to exponential and logarithmic functions. Topics from trigonometry including basic trigonometric functions, identities, equations and solutions of triangles.



This workshop focuses on helping new students transition to college life, and specifically to City Tech. The workshop will enhance the New Student Connection with additional information, activities, and various opportunities to connect with faculty, staff, and current City Tech students. In addition to learning how to access a variety of college services and resources, students will develop personalized plans for their college career.

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