Kevin Chang’s Profile

Active 9 years, 11 months ago
Kevin Chang
Display Name
Kevin Chang
Major Program of Study
Computer Engineering Technology

My Courses

ENG2000 Perspectives in Transnational Lit, S2015

ENG2000 Perspectives in Transnational Lit, S2015

In this course, we will study literature across genres, eras, and locales. We will examine broad themes such as family and home, the individual and society, good and evil, and the conflicts surrounding globalization. Specifically, we will examine the fascinating and yet confusing concept of globalization, especially its relation to literature. The central questions that we will ask in this class are: what does globalization feel like?, and, what does it feel like to be transnational? The novels, short stories, non-fiction essays, and poems that we will read will help us answer this question, for literature is very good at revealing and performing feelings.

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