Kerri’s Profile

Active 4 years, 4 months ago
1 to 3 (of 3)

ENG 3407, Gothic Lit, Fall 2019

Professor Lucas Kwong
ENG 3407|Fall 2019

Students critically read, analyze, and write about the popular genre of the Gothic. As represented in both literary and visual terms, in both Europe and the United States beginning in the late-18th century to […]

PHIL 3211 Section D660, Philosophy of Law, Spring 2020

PHIL 3211 Section D660, Philosophy of Law, Spring 2020

Rob MacDougall
PHIL 3211|Spring 2020

Philosophy of Law

ENG2001 Introduction to Literature I: Fiction, FA2019

ENG2001 Introduction to Literature I: Fiction, FA2019

Helene Remiszewska
ENG 2001|Fall 2019

Analysis and critical understanding of selected fiction. Exams and essays based on readings.