kazunamay’s Profile

Active 9 years, 4 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Communication Design
Academic interests

Web Design

My Courses

COMD3562 UX & UI Design, FA2015

COMD3562 UX & UI Design, FA2015

Building on skills learned in COMD 3551, topics include advanced CSS, Javascript and Flash integration. Students work with clients to design and construct a professional working website following contemporary web and accessibility standards. Software such as Dreamweaver and Flash are used for construction and maintenance. A working knowledge of XHTML and CSS is required. Prequisite: COMD 2450.

Web 3 – Spring 2014

Web 3 – Spring 2014

This is an intensive course in design and development of dynamic websites. The course offers a combination of theoretical and practical information on how to combine the PHP scripting language with the MySQL database to produce dynamic web content. Students are expected to have intermediate to expert skills in HTML and CSS. The goal of the course is to give students the experience of designing dynamic web content and demonstrate tasks such as generating images dynamically, sending and managing email, facilitating user discussions and managing content. The purpose is to learn a professional approach to website conceptualization and execution.

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