ka’s Profile

My Courses
Introduction to electrodynamics with applications to physical problems. Topics include electrostatics, magnetostatics, Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic forces, electromagnetic waves, radiation from accelerating charges and currents, and special relativity.
This course provides a basic understanding of computer modeling in physics. Topics include basics of python programming language; scientific plotting; numerical evaluation of integrals; numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations; visual programming; basics of high performance and parallel computing; basics of graphics processing unit programming.
This course provides a basic understanding of computer modeling in physics. Topics include basics of python programming language; scientific plotting; numerical evaluation of integrals; numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations; visual programming; basics of high performance and parallel computing; basics of graphics processing unit programming.
MAT 3770 Math Modeling I, Fall 2019
The study of different types of optimization problems arising in different fields of business and industry. Examples are provided on sensitivity analysis of parameters of a model and calculating shadow prices. Course Avatar and Header Image created at logomakr.com
MAT 3772 Stochastic Models, Fall 2019
The use of discrete and continuous distributions to construct deterministic and stochastic simulation models. Stochastic simulations may include Markov Processes, M/G/1 Queuing Systems, Monte Carlo Simulation and Analytic Simulation.
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