Kadiatou Diallo’s Profile

Active 1 years, 9 months ago
Kadiatou Diallo
Display Name
Kadiatou Diallo
Major Program of Study
Computer Systems Technology
Academic interests




My Courses

ENG2180 Identity & Orientation FA2022

ENG2180 Identity & Orientation FA2022

This course provides students with an introductory understanding of identity, focusing specifically on the concepts of gender and sexuality as they intersect with race, class, ethnicity, and other aspects of social location and identification. Students will analyze the appearance of gender and sexuality as integrated social concepts by reading and discussing contemporary American literature across multiple genres and media, learning relevant biographical information about the authors, situating the texts within their historical and literary context, and exploring the major symbols and themes present in the work.

My Projects

Facial Recognition /

Facial Recognition /

Facial Recognition to enhance student campus experience /

Facial Recognition

Facial Recognition

Installing facial recognition at CUNY campus to increase student and faculty safety.

Hello World

Hello World

New code class.

My Clubs

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Kadiatou's Friends

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