James Bolden’s Profile

Active 1 years, 5 months ago
James Bolden
Display Name
James Bolden

My Courses

COMD 1340 DO97

COMD 1340 DO97

This beginning photography course explores the foundational concepts of light and exposure. Using dSLR cameras, professional lighting equipment and software*, the student develops compositional skills and the ability to control photographic style to create visually engaging photographs. *if this course is being held online due to an emergency, students will meet learning outcomes using alternate tools and equipment.

ENG1121 D423 + D488 Composition II, Spring 2017

ENG1121 D423 + D488 Composition II, Spring 2017

English 1121: Composition II, Sections D423 + D488, Spring 2017, Instructed by Holly Melgard

ENG1101 Composition I, Fall2016, MELGARD

ENG1101 Composition I, Fall2016, MELGARD

English 1101: Composition I, Sections D342 + D413, Fall 2016, Instructed by Holly Melgard

My Projects

James Bolden hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

Anime Gaming Underground

Anime Gaming Underground

Anime & Gaming Underground is a social club where people who are interested in animation, Japanese anime, animation/anime card games (such as: Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh), roll playing games, and video/computer games can hang out and have fun.

Art + Design Club

Art + Design Club

We are a design club at New York City College of Technology. We host Meet the Pros (facebook.com/meetthepros) speaker series and we release an annual design magazine, Command+J.

James's Friends

James hasn't created any friend connections yet.