Kenny Bernadin’s Profile

Active 10 years, 8 months ago
Kenny Bernadin
Display Name
Kenny Bernadin
Major Program of Study
Mechanical Engineering Technology

Kenny C. Bernadin is an humble, ambitious, and optimistic person. He is emerging fashion model / actor/ entertainer. Whether its the runway, a photo shoot or designing, Kenny approaches his work with dedication, ingenuity and passion. Through his craft he aims to inspire others to reach within themselves and be a positive force in this world.
While pursuing a modeling and acting career, he is also attaining a degree in Mechanical Engineering and receiving a minor in Industrial Design. Kenny C. Bernadin is a young emerging talent that is eager to learn and willing to sacrifice to reach his goals.


My Courses

IND4800: Advanced 3D Animation

IND4800: Advanced 3D Animation

Wed 2pm – 5:20pm

IND3550 Simulation and Visualization

IND3550 Simulation and Visualization

Instructor: Professor Masato R. Nakamura Room: V507 Time 6-9:20pm Code: 4421

My Projects

Kenny Bernadin hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

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Kenny's Friends

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