Holly Carley’s Profile

Active 3 months, 1 weeks ago
Holly Carley
Display Name
Holly Carley
Office Location
Academic interests

Analysis, Geometry, and various other things


In progress…

Work Phone

My Courses



We all grow and heal due to cell divisions. But crazy cell divisions is dangerous…it is cancer. When US president Richard Nixon asked the scientists to join a “war on Cancer” back in 1972, we did not know much about cancer, although many were dying from this deadly disease. Since then a lot has been learned. With the help of statistics, probability, and modeling, we will explore the history of recognition of the disease as well as the types, possible causes, and other aspects of the nature of cancer. But remember….cancer has no answer!

Fundamentals of Mathematics

Fundamentals of Mathematics

Topics include linear and quadratic functions, intermediate algebra, plane geometry and trigonometry of the right triangle.

My Projects

Mathematics Department Faculty

Mathematics Department Faculty

A central resource where the Mathematics Department can communicate internally to faculty and staff, with meetings, committees, deadlines, announcements and more.

The Mathematics Assessment at City Tech

The Mathematics Assessment at City Tech

This website is to post information for the Assessment work in Department of Mathematics.

MAT 1275CO/1275

MAT 1275CO/1275

New textbook

WeBWorK Working Group

WeBWorK Working Group

This group is for faculty who are participating in the rollout of WeBWorK. We are working together to: Create instructional documents for the WeBWorK end-users (both faculty and students), Develop creative problems for core Math courses, Evolve existing problems in order to enhance their educational value to students, Streamline the management of the WeBWorK system, Provide technical support and respond to user feedback in order to improve everyone’s experience of WeBWorK.

Legislative Committee Elections

Legislative Committee Elections

Election information will be posted here

My Clubs

SIAM Student chapter

SIAM Student chapter

The NYCCT student chapter of SIAM is a chapter of the international SIAM organization.