Fangyang Shen’s Profile

Active 1 years ago
Fangyang Shen
Display Name
Fangyang Shen
Associate professor
Computer Systems Technology
Office Location
Academic interests

STEM education, wireless networking, high performance computing


Dr. Shen is currently an associate professor in the Department of Computer Systems Technology, and he is also a PI for two NSF NOYCE Projects. Dr. Shen has about twenty years’ research and teaching experience in STEM and STEM education.

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Email address

My Courses

Fangyang Shen hasn't joined any courses yet.

My Projects

Student-Ready College Committee

Student-Ready College Committee

As a committee we are working on enhancing our new student orientation process. We are assessing and enhancing all steps from the moment a student is accepted into the college to their first year experience.

Fall 2023 Connect Days Computer Systems Technology

Fall 2023 Connect Days Computer Systems Technology

Orientation for Departments a member of The Department of Hospitality Management you will join a group of students who are part of the School of Professional Studies at New York City College of Technology, City University of New York.

Project Wayfinding

Project Wayfinding

Project Wayfinding is a college-wide effort to answer the question “How can Faculty, staff, and students effectively provide/use accurate information for academic career planning from Day 1 through Graduation?”

My Clubs

Fangyang Shen hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.

Fangyang's Friends

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