Emmanuel Garcia’s Profile

Active 7 years, 4 months ago
Emmanuel Garcia
Display Name
Emmanuel Garcia
Major Program of Study

20 Years Old
Majoring in Computer Science
Live in Harlem

My Courses

COMD 1103 Foundation Drawing, D120, FA2017

COMD 1103 Foundation Drawing, D120, FA2017

This is an introductory course designed to explore the basic tools, techniques and principles of drawing. Students will develop an understanding of the five basic perceptual skills of drawing: The Perception of Edges, The Perception of Spaces, The Perception of Relationships, The Perception of Light and Shadow, and The Perception of the Whole Form. This will be continued with an-depth study of classical drawing principles critical to achieving realism in drawing. Concepts such as Composition, Proportion and Perspective will be covered. Students will learn to further render forms through analysis of light and shadow and by utilizing the 5-value system.

ARCH1230 Building Technology II Fall 2017

ARCH1230 Building Technology II Fall 2017

Building technology II is the second semester in the BT curriculum. We will be examining structural ideas through site visits throughout NYC and through architectural drawing, focusing on concrete and steel.

My Projects

Emmanuel Garcia hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

Wall Street Cronies (trading Club)

Wall Street Cronies (trading Club)

This club aims for people who have interest in Stock Trading. Even though business is not a strong major in City Tech, I believe stock trading can be play for entertainment reasons. Join now and share your ideas. ” We run with the Bulls and fight the bears”

Emmanuel's Friends

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