Eesha Imtiaz’s Profile

Active 2 years, 3 months ago
Eesha Imtiaz
Display Name
Eesha Imtiaz
Major Program of Study
Health Sciences
Academic interests

English, Science, and Art


Major: Healthcare Policy and Management BS

My Courses

Bio 1201 Lab, NYCCT, FA2016

Bio 1201 Lab, NYCCT, FA2016

Biology II is the second half of the First Year General Biology for non-science majors at New York City College of Technology. This course introduces the student to a variety of biological topics fundamental to all living organisms, with a focus on human biology.

ENG1101-O142 Fall 2020

ENG1101-O142 Fall 2020

ENG 1101-O142 (27017)

My Projects

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My Clubs

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Eesha's Friends

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