DJ’s Profile

Active 7 years, 2 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Liberal Arts & Sciences
Academic interests

hospitality management


African American College Student

My Courses

ENGL2420 SF / Phys, SP2016

ENGL2420 SF / Phys, SP2016

This interdisciplinary course examines science fiction texts from a physics perspective, focusing on both the long and short-term ability of science fiction to inspire and give ethical boundaries to otherwise abstract modeling of theoretical physics. In turn, the course will also demonstrate how the field of physics historically informed the development of science fiction and culture. Significant themes and trends in the futuristic worlds of science fiction, such as space exploration and nanotechnology will be discussed alongside the ways that private industry, government, and global scientific communities approach the politics of envisioning the future.

HMGT 1101, Section E503, Spring 2016 – Prof. Cleveland

HMGT 1101, Section E503, Spring 2016 – Prof. Cleveland

An overview of the history, likely direction and organizational structure of the hospitality industry and its role in the local, national and international economy. Examination of the nature and scope of this industry and basic management concepts. Introduction to department mission and interaction with alumni in career exploration.

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