Catherine Monchik’s Profile

Active 9 months, 2 weeks ago
Catherine Monchik
Display Name
Catherine Monchik
Dental Hygiene

My Courses

Periodontics 1217 Spring 2024

Periodontics 1217 Spring 2024

DEN 1217 is a 2-credit course that fulfills the competency requirements for periodontics in an associate degree program. This course will provide a foundation for the prevention and management of periodontal diseases within the scope of the dental hygienist practice act. An emphasis on these topics will include but not be limited to assessment, etiology, pathology, histopathology, and role of inflammation in periodontal disease, as well as periodontal assessment and classifications of periodontal diseases. The goals of this course will be the application of theory to the clinical setting, treatment modalities, and therapeutic and preventive periodontics in the contemporary dental hygiene practice setting.

DEN 1100 Fall 2023 – Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I

DEN 1100 Fall 2023 – Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I

DEN 1100/1100L is an introduction to the didactic concepts and clinical techniques and principles involved in the practice of dental hygiene. Emphasis is on the principles of optimal patient care involving: aseptic techniques, patient assessment, personal oral hygiene and plaque control, fundamentals of instrumentation and related body mechanics, principles of instrument sharpening, and emerging modalities. Basic principles and elements of social and behavioral sciences are reinforced.

DEN 1100 Fall 2021-Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I

DEN 1100 Fall 2021-Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I

An introduction to the didactic and clinical techniques and principles involved in the practice of dental hygiene. Emphasis is on the principles of optimal patient care including: aseptic techniques, patient assessment, personal oral hygiene and plaque control, fundamentals of instrumentation and related body mechanics, principles of instrument sharpening and emerging modalities.

DEN-1200 Summer 2021

DEN-1200 Summer 2021

This site will be used in Summer 2021 for DEN1200. Announcements, course documents, and lectures will be posted here. The site is currently under construction, but current DH freshman students are invited to join by requesting membership.

Periodontics 1217 Spring 2023

Periodontics 1217 Spring 2023

DEN 1217 is a 2-credit course that fulfills the competency requirements for periodontics in an associate degree program. This course will provide a foundation for the prevention and management of periodontal diseases within the scope of the dental hygienist practice act. An emphasis on these topics will include but not be limited to assessment, etiology, pathology, histopathology, and role of inflammation in periodontal disease, as well as periodontal assessment and classifications of periodontal diseases. The goals of this course will be the application of theory to the clinical setting, treatment modalities, and therapeutic and preventive periodontics in the contemporary dental hygiene practice setting.

My Projects

Dental Hygiene Faculty Website

Dental Hygiene Faculty Website

A website designed for alll dental hygiene faculty – full time and adjunct – to provide current information regarding all clinical and didactic policies and procedures.

DEN 1100 Fall 2023 – Faculty only

DEN 1100 Fall 2023 – Faculty only

This project is created for DEN 1100 instructors. The objective is to share all course-relevant information with faculty on a unified platform.

Living Lab General Education Seminar Winter 2023

Living Lab General Education Seminar Winter 2023

This is a collaborative space for use by Living Laboratory General Education Seminar participants. This seminar will concentrate on incorporating the general education outcome of Intercultural Knowledge and Competence into our courses focusing on Kuh’s High Impact Educational Practices, place based learning, open pedagogy and assessment practices.

Living Lab General Education Seminar Spring 2019

Living Lab General Education Seminar Spring 2019

This is a collaborative space for use by Living Laboratory General Education Seminar participants. This seminar will concentrate on incorporating the general education outcome of Intercultural Knowledge and Competence into our courses focusing on Kuh’s High Impact Educational Practices, place based learning, open pedagogy and assessment practices.

My Clubs

Catherine Monchik hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.