Christopher Shannon’s Profile

Active 8 years, 1 months ago
Christopher Shannon
Display Name
Christopher Shannon
Adjunct Lecturer
Office Location
NAMM 529

My Courses

ENG3771 Advanced Career Writing, SP2015

ENG3771 Advanced Career Writing, SP2015

Catalog Description: “An advanced composition course emphasizing writing used in business and industry. The course will focus on business letters, memos, minutes, process papers, and reports.” English 3771, Advanced Career Writing, will provide you with the opportunity to improve your ability to write business documents through applied study and critique. You will develop the knowledge, skills, and processes necessary to compose documents under constraints typically found in the workplace. You will be evaluated throughout the process of researching, organizing, writing, revising, and presenting your documents.

ENG3771 (Sec E280): Advanced Career Writing, Spring 2015

ENG3771 (Sec E280): Advanced Career Writing, Spring 2015

Catalog Description: “An advanced composition course emphasizing writing used in business and industry. The course will focus on business letters, memos, minutes, process papers, and reports.” English 3771, Advanced Career Writing, will provide you with the opportunity to improve your ability to write business documents through applied study and critique. You will develop the knowledge, skills, and processes necessary to compose documents under constraints typically found in the workplace. You will be evaluated throughout the process of researching, organizing, writing, revising, and presenting your documents.

ENG 3773: Advanced Technical Writing (Section D599)

ENG 3773: Advanced Technical Writing (Section D599)

An advanced course that covers a variety of technical writing techniques, including documents intended for online distribution over websites, social media, and multimedia platforms. A good course for any student bound for careers requiring the communication of complex ideas.

ENG 1101: People of Brooklyn (Section D383)

ENG 1101: People of Brooklyn (Section D383)

This is the course site for both Prof. Chris Shannon’s ENG 1101 courses in Fall 2014–sections D383 and D391. With the tacit subtitle of “People of Brooklyn,” in this course we will explore the work and lives of the people whose narratives, poetry, personal histories, political passions, and social activism helped to shape this Borough into what it is today.

My Projects

The Open Road

The Open Road

The Open Road is our place to highlight all that’s possible on the OpenLab. Join now to keep up on OpenLab news, events, and updates. Check our weekly In the Spotlight posts for a glimpse into the incredible work being done by City Tech students, faculty, and staff. Follow OpenLab News for announcements and site updates. And see our OpenLab Calendar for office hours, events, and workshops. You can find our workshop schedule and signup for workshops here as well. The Open Road is also a place for the OpenLab community (meaning you!). We would love your feedback, insight, and comments. Please send along anything on the OpenLab that you love! We are always available for any questions you might have. Email us anytime at!

Developmental Writing Resource Archive

Developmental Writing Resource Archive

This is an electronic archive of course readings, CATW articles, and other Developmental Writing resources. Click on “Project Site” to view the full archive (on the right)

My Clubs

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Christopher's Friends

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