Diana’s Profile

Active 1 weeks, 4 days ago
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Major Program of Study

My Courses

COMD1162-E058 Raster & Vector Graphics, Sp2023

COMD1162-E058 Raster & Vector Graphics, Sp2023

Basic concepts related to the two fundamental digital graphic forms (raster and vector graphics) and learning best uses and practices for each. This course covers basic digital imaging terminology and techniques including size, resolution, color space, file elements, measurements, file formats, and scanning software and hardware. Class projects require students to explore the meaning of communication through design and how it correlates with client satisfaction and target audience. Students become proficient with both raster and vector applications, such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.

PHYS 1441

PHYS 1441

General Physics I – Calculus Based

ENG1101 Blain FYLC FA2021

ENG1101 Blain FYLC FA2021

This first composition course is part of the Write Out Loud! learning community, where we’ll learn about our own writing processes and create a TEDTalk.

MAT1475 Calculus Bootcamp, Summer 2021

MAT1475 Calculus Bootcamp, Summer 2021

Pre-semester workshop for MAT1475 Calculus for Fall 2020. Topics include an introduction to limits and derivative rules and application. Prerequisite: MAT 1375

My Projects

Diana hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

Wizz Wonders Game Development

Wizz Wonders Game Development

The Wizz Wonders club aims to provide a community for students interested in all things game design to congregate and express their creativity. We are in partnership with the Bronx Gaming Network! We put together events, such as game jams, in order to practice and show off skills learned from the club. We welcome students at any skill level, we will try our best to teach you fundamentals so you can make your ideas a reality! Club details: We meet every Thursday AND Monday 12:45 – 2:15 PM (room V-120 Thursdays, room v-119 Mondays)! Discord: https://discord.gg/s7XnuCPfPg Email: thewizzwondersclub@gmail.com