argudo6’s Profile

Active 6 years, 11 months ago
1 to 5 (of 5)

ARCH2330 BTech3 FA16

Prof. Paul King
Architectural T...|ARCH 2330|Fall 2016

Building Technology III


Prof. Tim Maldonado, William Valdez
Architectural T...|ARCH 2410|Spring 2015

The architectural process involved in designing small to medium size projects for specific building types. Scope covers initial research and analysis, program development, flow diagrams, schematic design, and […]

ARCH 4861 Professional Practice Spring 2018 Mishara

Barbara Smith Mishara
Architectural T...|ARCH 4861|Spring 2018

The course provides a comprehensive look at the building industry with an emphasis on student development.

ARCH1130 Building Technology I, FA2015

ARCH1130 Building Technology I, FA2015

J A Montgomery
Architectural T...|ARCH1130|Fall 2015

An introduction to basic materials of construction and the fundamental principles of archi- tectural hand drafting and system analysis. The coursework includes surveying existing conditions, development of drawings […]

ARCH2310 Design III, Fall 2015

ARCH2310 Design III, Fall 2015

Ting Chin
Architectural T...|35472|Fall 2015

This course is an exploration of abstract architectural design theory as an expression of three-dimensional space. The creation of comprehensive architectural design projects are developed following a building […]