Andrew Ng’s Profile
Play Analysis: Texts and Contexts, THE 2380, Spring 2015
The analysis of play scripts for literary structure, aesthetic elements necessary for their theatrical realization, and an appreciation of stylistic approaches to plays from various historical and theatrical genres.
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ENT 4410 Technical Direction Spring 2016
An in depth analysis of the planning, budgeting and construction processes used in the production of scenery. Students will apply their knowledge of construction and drafting techniques and process to generate shop […]
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The course is to serve as the senior thesis project. The student will either: 1) act in a principal supervisory role in a production as a designer or technical director; 2) propose, design and build a specialized […]
ENT 4499 Culmination Project (Monday)
This course serves as the senior thesis project. The student will utilize his/her skills in a new and innovative way to develop a project that relates to or has an impact on the entertainment industry. Projects may […]
LIB 1201: Research and Documentation for the Information Age
This course explores research and documentation for all media formats including text, images, sound, and multimedia. Students will examine the full life cycle of information, including: how information is produced […]