Tech Direction – Conclusion

Throughout the semester, I’ve learned many things I can take away from this class. Not only about application and about building, but also just important things to keep in mind and use in most situations.

Problem 1: No matter how simple something can seem to you, it could entirely not be to somebody else. So, you must have clear concise instructions when explaining to somebody else who may or may not understand completely. You may not be there to explain after giving them that assignment, in which you cannot help. If you go through it piece by piece and have clear instructions and go over with that person to see if they have questions about it, it’d be highly beneficial.

Problem 2: You have to ask yourself more questions to be able to make a decision on any problem in the future. Answering “how do you know” is very important to any conclusion you come up with for a problem. You don’t want to be asked why, and have no response. This is a big problem because someone is trusting you to know something you don’t know and you are not being honest about not knowing which will affect them as well as the problem itself.

Problem 3: If you don’t know something, ask or test it out first before agreeing to it. Working on something you don’t fully know is fine, but you must take your time to learn and understand it. Testing something out or watching somebody else do it may make you more comfortable with something and understand it better.

Problem 4: Communication is one of the most important things to solving a problem with somebody else. If one person is left in the dark, nothing will ever be clarified or get done. Also, restating from problem 1, you need everything to explain your point to somebody so they understand. Organizing and making schedules are also very important to most problems. Deadlines and having a plan is very beneficial to any work you may do.

Tech Production – Problem 4

Group Member: Catarina Uceta

Problem Name: F2M


  • For problem 4, we were given a booklet for the show F2M, designer drawings and needed images of the set which included flats, flooring, tracks, and props. Our main problem in relation to the show was working on the hours and balancing our budget. Our other problem for us personally, was keeping organized.


  • research
  • taking everything piece by piece until we came up with an end result
  • labeling (to keep organized and to save confusion)


  • Since our group consisted of just us two, I learned more about how vital communication is. We both were lenient on one another and made group decisions on almost everything without any conflict. Our main priority for the first two weeks was our budget. Our budget became more complex when we added our labor hours into it when they were not 100% accurate. I learned the importance of every piece of paperwork during this project. Yes, budgets and construction drawings are definitely always needed, but they are vital for planning especially. To create an accurate budget, you need to know what materials you are using which relies on the construction drawings and research. It also relies on accurate work hours which relies on a calendar and schedule which also relies on construction drawings. You need to know what exactly your building to know how much time you will need to decide how many people are working on it to make an accurate budget. About 20 flats not broken up into sections can turn into 40 flats after being broken up which you have to count that extra time you need to make all of those sections to the big flat. The use of deadlines on the calendar did help making things more clearer for me. It also will be something that will benefit me in the future with work.

Tech Direction – Problem 3

Group Members: Jonathan Burcin and Andrew NG

Problem Name: Flats


  • For problem 3, we had to do a wall break out for a show taking place at City Tech in the spring semester. This included making curved flats and molding. Both of which were completely new to me. Our main problem was time, with build and load in.


  • Asking questions and advice from other people in scenery
  • making prototypes
  • planning a schedule
  • looking back on previous scenery classes to learn more about curved flats and comparing them to curved platforms
  • researching online
  • using the spring semester tech production schedule


  • This is the first project I realized it’s okay to ask for help. It is the way to learning seemingly intimidating things instead of guessing. Prototyping curved flats and all the different ways of creating the crown molding was the best way for me to learn and understand both intimidating things to me. My main goal for this project was to really push myself to understand the things I was completely clueless about. I want to be able to contribute to the group with the most effort I can give. When working on hours and the calendar, I asked questions to others in scenery to come up with a better estimate and plan instead of just basing it off myself. When doing my paperwork, I regret not putting actual deadlines to specific things happening in the shop. It would of made the schedule I created come out more clear and would have gave the calendar more of a purpose.

Tech Direction – Problem 2

Group Members: Spencer Emile and Phoenixx Neil

Problem Name: Decking


  • For Problem 2, we had to create a stage that was raked with 2 staircases. The logo painted on the floor for the concert must be changed in a span of a day to be glossy black for the talent show. Our team’s biggest problem had to be focusing on the time and scheduling for build and load-in.


  • To take account for the build time, we had to think of how much we had to build, take in how many workers and what they would be doing, and think about the shop layout.
  • Using Stock triscuits and making the rest as open framed platforms with both stud walls and legs
  • For the logo change to glossy black paint, we changed the layer of masonite over the platform that is already painted.
  • To create a faster work environment, an assembly line styled plan works well with our shop.
  • We used our own shop experience for build/load in time.


  • When working on problem 2, I did not think this much on the build. We left extra time after our estimated build time just in case if our estimate was wrong, we wouldn’t be completely screwed. This problem teaches me to ask myself more questions when planning or facing any future problems. It also teaches me how to go about solving these questions for myself. For example, answering “how do you know” is very important to most problems to make sure you know exactly what you are talking about and you are not just guessing. For most problems such as one similar to this, you should know what you’re talking about or it will affect other people working around you or with you because they are trusting you to know this and are listening to you so they can possibly learn it too or they are doing exactly what you are telling them to do.

Tech Direction – Problem 1

Group Members: Natasha, Charles, and Ota

(Group 1)

Problem Name: Sandwich Shop

Original Problem:

  • We have a budget of $20.00 and we need to supply the sandwich that the designer of PBJ-2K has requested. As a team, we focused on balancing out quality versus prices.

Solving Our Problem:

  • Made a list of all the specifics we were given (Type of bread, plate size, etc.)
  • Wrote out questions to answer and find answers to
    • Do the plate and knives have to be purchased?
    • Can the bread be put in a container?
    • Flavor of Jelly?
    • Peanut butter – chunky or smooth?
    • Is a certain brand preferred?
  • Look for sales and discounts
  • Communication with group
  • Listing materials needed
  • Deciding jobs for everyone to do in the group
    • Natasha: Construction Drawings
    • Myself: Buying, Budgeting, and keeping all paperwork
    • Charles: Materials List, Assisting with finding and supplying materials needed
  • Make construction drawings
  • Test sandwich construction

After Presentation Thoughts:

  • We had all materials needed and excess
  • We focused more on materials we found to be important that were not necessary for solving the problem
    • Gloves, Hairnet, Napkins
  • We needed to put clear concise instructions for the person on the other end building from our materials
  • We needed to label things better
  • Being prepared for questions
  • Always have excess due to there being possible issues with materials
  • Focus on the order you store things in the truck
  • Using this first problem as reference for the future

New Problem Discovered:

  • We discovered our main problem turned out to be not realizing that the person receiving our materials and construction drawings need to have specific and clear instructions to follow through with the construction. They don’t have the clear understanding of how to create the prop that we have when supplying the materials. We are also not there when they are constructing from the materials to assist them.
    • This issue can be found in many situations. And with the knowledge I acquired from Problem 1, I have learned how to go about this issue (shown in after presentation thoughts).

Construction Drawings:



Materials List:

Item QTY Bought/Given/Brought Note
Knife 3 Brought LCT
Plate ? Brought 6 ¼” Diameter, LCT
Napkins 1 package Bought Party City
Table 1 Given None
Peanut Butter 1 Bought Stop n Shop
Jelly 1 Bought Grape Flavored, Stop n Shop
Bread 1 Bought 1 Package, oatnut, Stop n Shop
Hairnets ? Brought
Gloves 1 box Brought
Sandwich Bag 1 Given
Trash Bag 1 Given
Garbage Can 1 Given

Budget List:

# DATE Store Item AMOUNT
1 2/7/2016 Stop&Shop Oatnut Bread $3.99
2 2/7/2016 Stop&Shop Grape Jelly $1.99
3 2/7/2016 Stop&Shop Creamy Peanut Butter $2.99
4 2/7/2016 Party City Napkins $1.75
5 2/11/2016 Phone Call from Union Employee $0.20