
Edward R. Tufte, “Graphical Excellence,”

In Edward R. Trufte, “Graphical Excellence” he talks about written information goes with pictorial information. An example of that would be his maps. There are written statistic information but that doesn’t catch our attention more than the pictorial design (maps).

The image that caught my interest would be his maps of cancer states. It showed that a lot of people from north east are diagnosed with cancer. The missing information would be that he only based it on adult white male and females. There are different races beside white that might have been diagnosed with cancer during that time period. He also didn’t include any children or teens. I think the map would have worked must better if all these information was incorporated inside too.

A design that would catch my eye more than the it’s information would be the cover of manga books. There are so many manga books out there, it is almost impossible to know the story line of everything. When I’m at the book store, I would look at the cover of the book and if it interest me, then I would read what the story line is about before purchasing.

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