Background Information About My Internship

The internship I am in is at a non-profit organization which is based in New York. This organization raises funds for other charities through cause marketing, publishing, virtual events, promotions (contests and sweepstakes), eCommerce, and non-cash transfers. For NGOs, we transform “cachet” to cash by converting consumers’ time, attention, and behavior into money paid for by sponsors.

They give 50% of the net ad revenue to the nonprofits, the viewers/contributors, and 50% to the giving forward costs. To decide which nonprofits will be supported by a voting system for points. When that content is read/consumed the consumption is tracked. The organization uses a points-based system to allocate 25% of the advertising revenue to the Creator’s Cause. The nonprofit chosen by the reader/watcher gets 25% of ad revenues to make up the 50% that goes to charity.

Unlike other nonprofits, 50% of their revenue is to other charities in need. This not only helps the charities but influencers, and others who support and spire others to do the same. This is a win-win for everyone.