In “Do What You’ve Never Done Before” when Paula said design has a purpose and art doesn’t, I agree. When it comes to design, you have to proofread, do research, have reasons on why did you make these choices and etc because you’re developing these digital media for clients. For art, it has no purpose, there are no rules, you can do whatever you want because you’re doing it for yourself. I remember I designed a website for a client, I made huge changes because the colors that I pick were associated with their brand colors, I changed the images that they had because they’re not selling that product and can get in trouble for copyright issues. In “Great Design is serious, not solemn” when Paula showed “The Career Staircase”, she said “In your 20’s the riser are very high, the step is very short and you make huge discoveries. You sort of leap up very quickly in your youth. That’s because you don’t know anything and you have a lot to learn. ..” As a young designer, I agree with what she said because I have so much to learn on how the real world works in the design industry. Fortunately, I’m willing to learn new experiences. I’m surprised Paula doesn’t like “Helvetica”, even though I don’t use the font a lot, I don’t dislike it.

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