Extra credit assignments!

  1. Participate in Ecofest  – April 21 – Atrium Ground Floor: Present a poster of your research project: 5 points toward your final presentation. (your presentation does not need to be in final format): Participation in putting together a poster of your research, presenting it and attending the event will be worth 10 additional points the midterm exam. See link below for poster guidelines.


  2. Participate in the upcoming Knowing Brooklyn open forum on Thursday, March 24 (any time from 3:00 to 5:00 PM) and earn points for an extra credit assignment. (5 points toward final presentation)
  • Where: The Atrium Amphitheater. How can you participate?                                                  How: Give a presentation on the interdisciplinary project you are doing for Econ 2505 including where you are doing your field-based research. (No formal presentation required – you can just provide an overview and short discussion of your project.
  • If you choose to participate, lease sign in at the event so we know you are a participant – this is a great opportunity to share with other students throughout the college the work you are doing.   Please let me know if you are interested in participating no later than Tues. March 22


  • 2. Participate in Ecofest  – April 21 – Atrium Ground Floor: Present a poster of your research project: 5 points toward your final presentation. (your presentation does not need to be in final format): 5 points toward final in- class presentation
