Map and directions to Brooklyn Navy Yard for Monday’s tour have been posted under ‘Assignments’
Author Archives: Sean MacDonald
Reading assignment for Mon. Feb.29
reading assignment has been posted.
What are the reasons McClintock believes we should farm the city?
Brooklyn Waterfront Research Center
Brooklyn Waterfront Research Center at City tech
Readings for Mon 2/22
Please see assigned readings and discussion questions for 2/22; bring copies of articles and be prepared for discussion of the questions.
Reading Assignments
Reading assignment for Monday Feb. 8
Read the following articles, 1. Economic Doctrines and Approaches to Climate Change Policy by Atkinson and Hackler, (pgs. 1 – 9; 15 – 16; 22 – 23 and 33 – 36) and 2.Ā Why Emissions Trading is More Effective than an Carbon Tax by the International Emissions Trading Association and comment/answer any two of the following questions by 12 noon Feb. 7.
Why Emissions Trading is More Effective Than a Carbon Tax_session1
In pages 1 ā 9, the authors discuss their views of how Neoclassical, Neo-Keynesian and Innovation Economics would design economic policies to address the issue of climate change. Discuss your answers to any two of the following questions:
1. According to Atkinson and Hackler, what do neoclassical economists view as the most effective policy in addressing the challenges of climate change?
2. What assumptions does neoclassical economics make about human behavior? Are these assumptions realistic? Explain
3.Ā According to Atkinson and Hackler, what are two or three arguments made by neo-Keynesian economics?Ā What policy does neo-Keynesian economics see as most effective in addressing the challenges of climate change? Describe
4. What are the principal problems the authors have with both neoclassical and neo-Keynesian economic proposals for resolving climate change? Clearly explain.
5. The authors discuss their theory of āInnovation Economics.ā What reasons do authors cite as to why Innovation Economics offers a more effective framework forĀ addressing the economic realities of the 21st century.
6. Describe the policy advocated by the IETA and why they believe this policy to be effective.
Blog Posts
Welcome to Environmental Economics
Welcome to Environmental Economics Spring 2016
In this course, you will have the opportunity to explore and research issues relating to the economic impact of environmental changes and policies, both locally and globally. This is an interdisciplinary course which will explore environmental issues both from the Economic perspective, as well as from the perspectives of other disciplines, such as Sociology, Architectural technology, Psychology, and Hospitality management. You will also have the opportunity to conduct research on a wide range of topics relating to the economic challenges posed by current environmental issues.
Open Lab will be used for much of our work. This includes posting of the course syllabus, questions for commenting on assigned readings, and your notations of progress with the semester research project on the course Blog site, and some PowerPoint presentations.
To prepare for weekly discussions, you should visit the course site weekly to link to and complete the assigned readings and enter your responses to the posted questions from the readings on the blog site.Reminders will be announced in class. All assigned readings for the course (or links to them) will be posted here. The comments and thoughts you post on discussion questions related to the readings, the guest lecturers, films, etc. will be an important resource for class discussions. This is also a great opportunity to begin creating a dialog on the issues.
There will also be at least one scheduled visit to a site such as the Gowanus Canal Conservancy, SIMS Municipal Recycling Center or other (to be determined). The cost for these visits is minimal, and the information these visits provide is often of much value in the semester research projects.
The course site also features daily RSS news feeds on issues relevant to environmental economics from the New York Times and from, both of which can offer additional informative perspectives and updates on current environmental initiatives.
Open Lab will also be used for posting midterm and final exam reviews.