Class Assignments

Assigned reading for Wed. Nov. 18 in-class project: Please read the attached short article on the “Big U.” We will begin with a discussion of the economic impact of “green” projects, followed by the in-class project on the”Big U.”

The Big U Project & Economic Costs of Hurricane Sandy

Due dates – summary and ann bib

Draft Research Summary: Due Wed. Oct. 18, 2015.

*(feedback and suggestions will be provided to guide you in your final draft, and our comments and suggestions for the final draft will be returned to you in the Oct. 25 class).

Ā Final Research Summary and Final Annotated Bibliography both due Wed. December 2

  1. The Final Research Summary format: The final summary of your research project should consist of a one-page (1ā€ margins; 12 pt. font; single-spaced) overview of the central question that guided your research project, a summary of the major findings from your secondary research, a discussion of the significance and contributions of the site of your field research to your research, your central conclusions including what new insights you gained from the project, and what you believe to be the significant contributions of your research to the field.
  1. A one paragraph discussion of the central question that guided your research project and why you chose the topic.
  1. One paragraph that summarizes the most important findings from your secondary research sources.
  1. One paragraph in which you discuss/describe the significance and the most important contributions of the site you chose for your field research to the overall research project.
  1. A paragraph that summarizes the main conclusions and new information you gained from the research project.
  1. A final concluding paragraph in which you discuss what you believe to be the key significant contributions of your research.

This purpose of this outline is also to guide you in the organization, preparation and presentation of your final presentation (December 2 or December 10)

(The presentation schedule will also be set up during the Nov. 18 and Nov. 25 classes)


Annotated bibliography and guidelines for the research summary are attached here. We will review both andĀ  of these will also be distributed in class on October 7.

Annotated Bibliography assignment

(in class)

Final one page research summary

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