RAB Source Entry #3

Part 1 MLA Citation

Aubrey Rogers (My father).  Personal interview face to face. Brooklyn, NY November 19,2020

Pt 2 Summary 

My dad have in been in situation in the mid 80’s  where he got pulled over by two white and cop. He was dressed up nice and had a lot of gold on, The cops went up to his window  and told him his temporary car insurance tag was valid for 2 weeks in NYC. My dad had a New jersey temporary plates which was valid for 30  days, after the cops said he had his music to loud, and he didn’t signal his turn. When the cops came back with the ticket one of the cops asked my dad if he was a drug dealer, he laughed gave them a joke back and drove off. There was another time my dad was was pulled by the cops this time there was a black and white cop, The white cop was talking to my dad with respect. When the white cop went to get the ticket, the black cop told my dad to get the f**k out the car and to sit on the curb. My dad didn’t argue back because he knew the outcome would be like.

 Other then that my dad said the cops were more cool and relaxed  with the community then they are now. Everything changed when Rudy giuliani went into office where from 1994-2001 he led a “civic cleanup” in new york city. Cops had to be more strict, a lot of stuff people was getting away with before wasn’t happening at the time Giuliani was in office. Then mayor Bloomberg came into office and brought stop and frisk. My dad doesn’t believe the mask started or made racial profiling worse.My dad believes Racial profiling always been around and will forever be around. It’s how you approach the  situation and if your big enough to walk away or deescalate the situation.  

Part 3a Reflection

The reason i picked my father for this interview he is a older person and seen the transition in cop behavior throughout the year of his living. I can relate to what my father been through getting pulled over cause you young in a nice car. The cops would come up with different reason why they pulled you over. Knowing they just want to give you a hard day or to take a peek to see what’s inside the car. Just like my father i handled the situation calmly and complied with cops.

Part 3b Rhetorical Analysis:

My dad audience was me. My dad purpose was to show me back in the 1980’s-early 1990’s there was bad cops, but cops was not as strict as they are now. My dad gave me more clarity on how new york city was in the 80’s  and 90’s , and the only reason why cops got more aggressive is because of ex mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Notable Quotables 

” The best thing to do is comply and show respect”

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