” I knew you could do it your just lazy”
I remember when my father first said this to me I was in elementary school and aced my science test. At first I thought nothing of this but later on I knew this was the perfect way to describe me. When I was young I didn’t have difficulties doing most things. Whether it was being good at racing games even though I never drove a car or being able to use modern technology before my father can adjust to it. My father would always push me into doing competition to show off, but I would always refuse. I hated being the center of attention.
The older I got the less I seemed to care about doing good in school since all that mattered was passing the state test. Because of my lackadaisical attitude I created a habit of being mediocre. Only doing the bare minimum to pass. This ultimately led to be being promotion in doubt from 5th grade to 8th grade. Every Year my mother would get very angry with me because she genuinely thought I was going to fail and go to summer school, I would always get yelled at. But my father say ” I knew you could do it your just lazy”
Justin: This is too short and lacks development. NEED DETAILS, DESCRIPTION. NEED TO CREATE A SCENE OR TWO. ADD DIALOGUE…. AND — You don’t really come to a conclusion. YOu leave me hanging there. Did you go to summer school?
Your goal is to show how a particular aspect of your educational experience shaped you to become who you are today. Choose a single transformative event or memory or a set of transformative events or memories that influenced you.
You need to write an actual story–a story with conflict and a true beginning, middle, and end. Mine your memory (yes, like digging for gold!) for one significant event or a significant set of related events that has been important in your Educational Journey and that has shaped who you are today. Be selective and choose the best memories!
You write: When I was young I didn’t have difficulties doing most things. Whether it was being good at racing games even though I never drove a car or being able to use modern technology before my father can adjust to it [show more specific examples of your ease and ability with WHAT EXACTLY, what racing game, what modern technology, what school tasks]
You write: Every Year my mother would get very angry with me because she genuinely thought I was going to fail and go to summer school, I would always get yelled at. But my father say ” I knew you could do it your just lazy” [SO DID YOU go to summer school? you leave us hanging in mid-air in this writing piece]
You write: My father would always push me into doing competition to show off, but I would always refuse. I hated being the center of attention. [is there a memory or a specific example – explain more your feelings on being center of attention]
You write: since all that mattered was passing the state test. Because of my lackadaisical attitude I created a habit of being mediocre. [explain more. Why did state tests bother you? What about competition and tests bother you?]
Why do you think your father believed in you?
Are you changed now? Are you no longer “mediocre” – remember this is your own description of yourself? no longer “lazy”? How are you changed now and how did you make yourself change? What steps have you taken?
OR — If you are still a lazy student – why do you stay this way? Is lazy still “perfect way to describe you”? Do you still call yourself “mediocre”?
Who are you today as a student: still mediocre, still lazy, OR changed to WHAT QUALITIES DO YOU HAVE TODAY?