RAB Proposal Paragraph – Leslie Martinez (Updated)

My research question is: How has the CV pandemic impacted and changed teenagers’ mental health? This topic interests me because I was impacted by the changes and effects of CV. It changed the stability I had over my education, unbalanced my emotions allowing me to not be strong enough to pick myself out of deep depression. I consistently felt stuck. For that reason, it reflects who I am today. I already know that much of the isolation and far distance from society had something to do with my mental health shifting but it was much more than just depression. I want to dig deeper into mental illness during CV and what other researchers have to say about the causes not many of us know and are curious about. When school remained online my senior year I felt drained and not just because of school but because of what I was also struggling with on a daily basis. While I was in high school I was also maintaining a job. I saved money to help my mom pay bills, pay a debt, turning in homework on time all that weighed on me. It got so much worse, I allowed my room to become a disaster for months because I wasn’t stable enough to recognize it was a mess. Some point that I plan to explore and find out more about is, how can I help others who are still struggling with mental illness that was caused by CV. I’m not only looking into the state of depression within CV I’m also looking into the other mental health impacts that many students experienced during quarantine like social anxiety or even anxiety in general. I want to know the big picture, the challenges people faced.






6 thoughts on “RAB Proposal Paragraph – Leslie Martinez (Updated)”

  1. Leslie Ann:

    You must fine-tune your Research Q to be more focused. Your paragraph is going all over the place from remote online learning to mental health of students. What do you mean “apprehension for learning and skills” ? That ‘s not clear.

    Education is too broad. FInd something more specific within education. What aspect of education are you really interested in researching?

  2. So relatable! I think that being isolated for too long changes our mental health. I’m so sorry you had to endure that, especially for missing your senior year in high school. I also feel like this pandemic made it much worse for me because I was also struggling with my daily basis at home.

  3. Great topic choice! The vid deeply affected a lot of us in negative ways, making it hard to want to continue living a “normal” life. I felt you because depression is something that is hard to get away from because you get so used to what you think is “normal” to you that is actually really harmful to you. Anyway lol I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

  4. REVISE and REFINE and FOCUS your RQ

    How has the CV pandemic impacted and changed the mental health of teenagers?

    This would fit what you write in the proposal and be more focused.


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