Resilience (Online Learning)

Resilience is a trait that I have to obtain myself, I often tend to become lazy or “too tired”. When it comes to online learning it’s easy to let work pile up and say “I’ll do it later”. Because you’re not physically in class so you won’t face the embarrassment of going to class and not having your homework done. When it comes to being a student, I aspire to be one that is on top of her work and is able to complete everything on time. But honestly I’m not that student, I get burnt out between school and work. In highschool it’s hard to miss school because it’s against the law to not go to school. But college is a space where everything is up to you, you really have to grow up and push yourself through all obstacles you face. And professors are not going to chase you to do your work like highschool teachers would do. Seeing how Frederick Douglass is able to still have a drive to learn how to read and write even though his circumstances. Really compares all my problems I complain about to nothing. In reality you have to push yourself in college, because no one else is going to. Even if you work 8 hr shifts 4 times a week, you lost your mom, you’re basically supporting yourself, you have no family that genuinely cares for you, or your mental health is at an all time low. You have to surpass those issues and push yourself forward. It takes resilience and passion to be a good student, because at the end of the day any difficulties you’re facing will pass, because that’s how life is. And when you have a degree hanging up on your wall it’ll all be worth it. 

When it comes to online learning you have to set a routine together, so that you get everything done. Because if you just go with the flow you’ll end up with a C at the end of the semester like I did. My first semester was a learning experience to say the least and it made me realize many things about myself as a student and also what my passion truly is. Also on how I can manage myself with school and work. Right now I’m trying to make work I missed because I don’t want the same thing from last semester to happen again. You really have to be honest with yourself and identify what it is you’re doing wrong. Are you getting enough sleep, are you keeping up with your emails from school, are you attending class, are completing assignments, etc. Just because you’re not doing well doesn’t mean it’s the end of the word. You have to change your ways in order to become who you want to be. And it doesn’t only apply to school but also anything you’re facing. You have to identify the cause of the effect.

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