Part: 4 Rhetorical Analysis
The article “Schools are killing curiosity’: why we need to stop telling children to shut up and learn” by Wendy Berliner is an article posted on The Guardian that is a feature piece. The author choice of writing style is credible. Berliner’s indented audience and purpose for writing this piece was to inform the school systems and guardians of children. Berliner is also one of the authors of “How to Succeed at School: What Every Parent Should Know”. The author uses logos while she includes her research.
Part: 5 Notable Quotables
“Teachers who concentrate on developing focus and good behavior because of the links to good academic performance, now need to take on broad that developing curiosity could be even more important.” (Berliner Par.2)
“The questions they asked were aimed at improving their results, whereas the questions asked by more curious students were aimed at understanding a topic more deeply.” (Berliner Par.3)
“How well they behave, and how they perform seem much more important to many people in the educational communities. Often educational bureaucracies have shunted curiosity to the side.” (Berliner Par.11) (Susan Engel)