Meryam Abdullah “My real hero”
1- What caught my attention was the quote because she wrote it in her language which makes you want to know what that means and then she translated it. Meryam described the events of what …
ENG 1101 D193 EngComp FALL 2024
A City Tech OpenLab Course Site
Meryam Abdullah “My real hero”
1- What caught my attention was the quote because she wrote it in her language which makes you want to know what that means and then she translated it. Meryam described the events of what …
The scariest day of my life was on December 3rd, 2017, you may ask me why?, and ill respond that I almost died In a car accident , I had just went to the pet store with my mom and …
The transformative event that I am writing about is a tragic car accident that almost made me lose my life a few years ago when I was in middle school and how it affected my personal and educational life.
I. …
In my junior year of high school I had two teachers one named Mrs. Klein and the other one which she was my favorite teacher. Her name was Mrs. Masilo mrs. Klein was a bit harsh on everyone and was …
Hi, my name is Tania Naeem, but I just like to be called Tania. I’m an ultrasound major. I love to travel anytime I have the chance I travel and visit my family in Florida and Puerto Rico. I have …