Analysis of Student Example – Noureen A

“Proud African American” by Amadou Diallo

  1. Amadou is Muslim African American who shared his story through resilience and between two worlds and how that influenced his academic life in NY school. He learned and embraced his culture along with adapting to the life of New York.
  2. The main idea of his story was about without using violence, a simple conversation can lead to better solutions. When Amadou was bullied by Derrick, he wasn’t afraid to confront him which shows he was brave and strong. As of reflection, it was a great comparison that Amadou used Malcolm X reading to demonstrate his perspective of handling a situation calmly which led Derrick to understand Amadou and his culture.
  3. Overall, Amadou holds a strong belief in his culture and was opinionated to share it to other individuals knowing that everyone has a different culture and were welcome. Therefore, this essay was strong and motivational.

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