Outline(Interview)– Michael

Interviews: my 2 sister or niece 

Me(before i start the interview):With the pandemic hitting over 2 years ago, it has changed the way we socialize with people. It has affected many people in a negative way to points where we are scared to come in contact with others. The covid pandemic also changed how we socialize in school and in the work space.  

*sisters walk in*

Please introduce yourself and what you work as.

Sister: *Talks*

Me: when covid first became a big thing, did you change the way you socialize with others? Were you scared to talk to others or come into contact?

Sister talks

Me: did your job make any changes on how you socialize with others?

Sister talks

Me: So as time goes on we go into lock down, so we don’t interact with others. If you think back to our mental state, do you think you lost some of your social skills or not at all? Also did you go outside at all and if you did did you feel confident to socialize with others?

Sister talks 

Me: did you work when we were in lock down? And if you did, were there changes in the way you socialize with co-workers or customers? 

Sister talks

Me:  now present day, covid still exists but lock down has been lifted. We are able to socialize with others how we used to. The thing is that now we have not been in contact with others for such a long time, some people are having a hard time talking with others because they developed anxiety or depression. Do you feel like you struggle to have conversation with other people or is there something holding you back? 

Sisters talk 

Me: if your job made any changes to your work space has it been kept permanently? Do you struggle to socialize with these changes or are you usd to them?

Sister talks

Do you feel like you still socialize the same way as of 2 years ago or do you feel a massive change has happened?

2 thoughts on “Outline(Interview)– Michael”

  1. Let’s look at the Assignment section on How To Do an Interview. An interview was originally supposed to be Sourve 4, so there are how-to-do an interview instructions.

    Present this outline as a list of questions you will ask. These questions need to come out of your research. In other words, these questions must be informed by your research. So look back at your RAB to come up with your Questions.

    You need more than one interviewee.

  2. I COPY HERE FROM THE UNIT TWO ASSIGNMENT. Originally the fourth source is an interview. You can use this as a “how-to” to help you plan your interview.

    Your fourth source entry is a little different because it is an original interview. This is your chance to gather first-hand experience from a relative or friend who is experiencing changes in travel, education, sports, racism, or media disinformation — whatever your topic is — right now in this time of the pandemic crisis. Think about what you really want to know. Create a list of questions or talking points to guide your talk.

    Ideas: You may want to ask about their experience of whatever your topic is now during Co-Vid. Do they have any stories to relate to you? Their positive or negative experiences?  How have they been dealing with this issue? What are their frustrations? What do they hope will change about ______ (your research topic)?

    You must do the interview in person, by phone, by zoom, or by email. You can record on video and make a video interview. Have a good conversation and learn from your interviewees.

    Remember that you need to establish who your persons are that you are interviewing and why each is a credible source of information. 

    You should have answered the following already in your Genre Project Proposal: Consider if the genre of the interview is an effective way to get information. Explain why or why not the interview form works for this situation.

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