Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Research Questions

Spend 15 minutes writing a substantial paragraph answering the following: How did you get interested in your research question? Why are you interested? What answers and information do you expect to find in response to your research question?


  1. jenesis

    I got interested in my research question because recently there has been a lot of controversy whether abortion should be legal or not. I wanted to be able to give my opinion on the topic and explain why I believe itā€™s up to the womanā€™s choice of wheat she decides to do with her body. While doing this research I expect to find the answer to most of my questions. Why is this topic so controversial. What are the medical and religious arguments that come up. How or can Roe v. Wade be overturned? I also wonder if abortion justifiable after a rape?

  2. Kristen Santamaria

    I got interested in my research question due to the increasing number of homelessness seen within NYC, I found it interesting because it feels like nothing has been done to aid those in need. Answers and information I expect to find in response to my research question is information relating to rent and housing costs, average job salarys, substance abuse, domestic abuse and mental illness, solutions or help provided by goverment community or state local officals and answers pertaining to what solutions have been brought up or have been already implemeted and put into action.

  3. Daniel Michaelov

    Planes always fascinated me ever since i was young, and recently i have been hearing about companies trying to make supersonic planes for commercial use. I am interested in it because if it does happen it would speed up the time it takes to travel around the world, and who would not want to break the sound barrier. I expect to find both positive, and negative reasons on why supersonic planes should be used for commercial reasons. I also expect to find what the people who are building the planes would say about it, and i expect to find out what regular people think about this idea.

  4. Princesa

    I got interested in my topic by seeing how common the problem Iā€™m researching is, I know many people who are dealing with the problem but I also also want to know the source of the cause . Iā€™m interested because it can benefit me , I can learn more about the topic and inform this to people I know as well. I expect to find a lot of evidence from psychologists because I feel this topic has a lot to play with the mind and our daily routine habits .

  5. Danny

    The way I got interested into my topic which is ā€œwhere does tax payer money goā€ is because in my experiences throughout living in New York, the government hasnā€™t ever decided to fix up roads or make small quality life changes whatsoever to its communities and instead focused on things unrelated to it like setting up events s and such yet they canā€™t replace a stoplight sign or repaint crosswalks, I am interested in this because where I live it took them 5 years to repaint and replace a broken stoplight. The answers I expect to find are probably going to be the basic needs like medicine, military defense, etc but what I want to find out is how much is truly going into it.

  6. Frank

    I got interested in my question because Covid was a big contagious disease and now people donā€™t care for like before. Also knowing that we all experience the Pandemic, I want to know how people lived through it. I want to know if Covid is now a seasonal flu or is it still deadly.

  7. Jasmine Egoavil

    I got interested in my research question, ā€œWhat goes on in the mind of a serial killerā€, because of the recent Netflix series about Jeffrey Dahmer. Iā€™m interested because I know that the United States has the most serial killers and I want to know why they do it. I expect to find articles with interviews with the most known serial killers in the U.S. Specifically asking questions on why they do it. I also expect to find videos of these interviews or even sound recordings.

  8. kc castillo

    I got interested in my research question ā€œis religion the root of homophobia?ā€ because Iā€™ve never understood whatā€™s wrong with someone loving/being in a relationship as somone of the same sex as them. It doesnā€™t make any sense to me why people are hated and treated horribly based on their sexuality. The only reason I can really think of why someone would be against homosexuality is because itā€™s apparently a sin according to the bible. However, Iā€™ve heard that the bible has been rewritten so many times and that itā€™s not even accurate anymore because people would rewrite it to fit their own opinions and beliefs. The information Iā€™m expecting to find are the changes in specific verses of the bible. Iā€™m also expecting colonization to be brought up in the information I find while researching because I know there are some cultures where homosexuality was accepted until they were colonized.

  9. Joshua gonzalez

    I got interested in my research topic because growing up in Brooklyn, I saw a lot of interactions between police and my family, neighbors and friends and in most of those interactions it feels as if the police puts themself on a higher pedestal like as if they donā€™t matter at the end of the day. Iā€™m interested in talking about this topic simply because Iā€™m interested in seeing change being done and and for cops to give the same level of respect that they want given to them. I expect to find a alot of info about my subject about police corruption just because thereā€™s a lot of problems in the nypd.

  10. Yobana Martinez

    How I got Interested in my research question is because itā€™s something Iā€™ve been curious about. And would like to learn more about it.Because  I feel like gentrification Is something that I started seeing more recently around my neighborhood. And that makes me question why here? or when does it stop? or which neighborhood is next ? What expect to find for my research question is how did gentrification came to be.

  11. KanyeJ

    Im still a little Iffy About Which Question i will be choosing but i got interested on the topic about tyrants. And what really drives them to have so much power? itā€™s really interesting if you think about it because most of these people like stallion and hitler all just grew up like a kid to an adult.. yet they turned out so evil and had a certain drive for unnecessary power that caused harm towards others. What Went Wrong Through out their life ? why do they hate people who arenā€™t like them so much ?

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