Project 3: Artists.

Frida Kahlo (1907-1954)

 Frida Kahlo’s artwork has always inspired me so much, based on the way that she was able to portray herself and her personality in each of her paintings.

Frida lived a complicated life and was able  to go through it and express it through her art, gaining the recognition that she deserved as an artist.


Ryan Murphy (1965-Present)

Murphy is a producer, director, writer and creator for television originally from Indiana, that founded the iconic show “American Horror History”.

His productions have a specific style, photography and aesthetic that has inspired my own style in many ways. The shots and color schemes that they use are always on point and it all thanks to this gentleman and his team

Andy Warhol (1928-1987)

Warhol’s use of color in hist art pieces, completely changed the definition of color combinations for this society, his artwork is minimalistic but at the same time so full of life, and that’s something I always try my best to include in my works

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