Purple Society.

Acrylics on a wood panel

Pink or blue? Society sets ground rules of how people should be, just defined by their gender and those who don’t follow are judged. This Pink and blue society teaches that ā€œgirls should be feminineā€, and ā€œboys should be masculineā€. Blue is told to be a man, that he shouldnā€™t cry or ask for help, that he should be strong, talkative, a free soul and a beast with no taming. Blue has to work and wear pants. Pink is told to be a lady, that she shouldn’t spit, swear or smell, that she should be quiet, obedient and weak. Pink must stay at home and watch the kids and wear skirts. Double standards in this society are very common. If pink hangs out with a lot of guys sheā€™s a slut and if blue hangs out with a lot of girls, heā€™s a winner. It all starts when you are a baby and everything surrounding you is decorated with either flowers, ribbons and dolls if youā€™re a girl, or with cars, dinosaurs and rocketships if youā€™re a boy. Pink is for Girls, and Blue is for Boys; But who is going to wear purple? That point in between when nothing is right or wrong, that place in which everyone can be how they want without judgment, a place without labels or stereotypes. ā€œPurpleā€ means acceptance, means equality, means…freedom.

But sadly we are not a perfect purple society.

I did this painting around august 2018 for a theater play I participated in, the excerpt above was my monologue for the play, I wrote this when I realized how important is to just follow your own rules and parameters of beauty without giving a fuck about others opinions šŸ™‚

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