Welcome to a new semester! And welcome (or welcome back) to everyone who is returning to in-person classes or new to City Tech.
Need a book, a quiet place to study or work on a project, or research help? The library is open and all of our in person services are up and running. Come visit us on the 4th floor of the Library building Mondays-Thursdays from 9-8pm and Fridays from 9-5pm.
Learning or teaching online? We’ve still got you covered.
Get virtual help 24X7
Off campus or up late working on a project and need help? Just Ask us!
You can chat with CUNY Librarians on weekdays and librarians from other institutions on evenings and weekends.
Access Library Resources from Off-Campus
Use CUNY login credentials to access library databases, research articles, movies, and ebooks from off campus.
Use these same credentials to login to “My Library Account” on the library website. If your preferred name isn’t associated with your library account, you can change that!
Tech Loans
In coordination and support from the ASAP program, the library is offering a limited number of PC laptops for 7 day loan to all City Tech students. Laptops are available to borrow in the Multimedia Resource Center in the library.
Need Something We Don’t Have?
Interlibrary Loan has expanded its services! Faculty, staff, and now students can request books not available at CUNY through ILL. We are also continuing to fill article and individual book chapter requests and deliver them electronically. ILL is great for scholarly research and course assignments.
Your CUNY login is connected to your ILL account, so you’ll have one less password to remember!
Questions? Email us: interlibraryloan@citytech.cuny.edu
Library Instruction Offerings
Are you assigning papers or projects that require library research? You can request a library instruction session for your in-person or online synchronous class.
Are you teaching asynchronously or want your students to learn research skills at their own pace? Share the library’s tutorials and research guides with your students. The library is automatically embedded in Blackboard courses and you can add library widgets to your OpenLab site.
Contact your library subject specialist to find out more about subject-specific resources and support for your asynchronous class.
For general questions about library instruction, contact Prof. Rachel Jones, library instruction coordinator.
Features Eresources
The library has amazing video collections to help with your teaching and learning (and entertainment!). Browse streaming video collections from Swank and Kanopy or explore the amazing catalog of Academic Video Online.
We’ve also added new databases from HeinOnline on Civil Rights and Social Justice and LGBTQ+ Rights to our collections, as well as the CUNY-made Northeast Slavery Records Index (NESRI).
Don’t forget to use your City Tech email to sign up for (or renew) your free access to the New York Times and Wall Street Journal!
New Research Guides
Library faculty have created a number of new research guides for the City Tech community. Research guides are a great place to: start your research; learn about resources we have in a particular discipline or media format; and get tips on how to search for, evaluate, and cite sources.
- Swank – This guide introduces the library’s newest streaming video collection of major theatrical releases. – https://libguides.citytech.cuny.edu/swank
- Anti-oppression – This research guide was adopted from the New York Institute of Technology Library and outlines anti-oppression resources. https://libguides.citytech.cuny.edu/antioppress
- Disability Studies – Users interested in Disability Studies and resources may find this guide useful for research and general information – https://libguides.citytech.cuny.edu/disability
- Evaluating Social Media Information – This guide provides users with tips on how to evaluate the accuracy of social media posts. – https://libguides.citytech.cuny.edu/evalsocmed
Media Browsing
The Multimedia Resource Center (MRC) is piloting an open browsing program. Students can enter the back staff area and browse the library’s collection of VHS cassettes, DVDs, Blu-Rays, and vinyl records. For more information, contact Prof. Junior Tidal – jtidal@citytech.cuny.edu
Course Reserves
You can place textbooks and required readings for your courses in the Library’s Reserve Collection for your students to use in the library.
Please place your requests as soon as possible as we purchase on a first-come, first-served basis. Request materials to be placed on reserve using this form.
Questions? Email us: NYCCTCirculation@citytech.cuny.edu
Support for Scholarly Publishing
Complementing our workshop series, the library provides individualized and small group assistance supporting scholarly publishing. In addition to our Scholarly Publishing Clinic, a monthly office hour available for virtual consultations on the first Tuesday of the month at 3 PM, consultations are available on demand. Contact Monica Berger at mberger@citytech.cuny.edu. Learn more about how the library supports scholarly publishing.
Don’t Be a Stranger
Have questions about library resources and services but not sure how to reach us? Want to make sure you get the latest updates about changing policies, new resources, and digital tools available through the library?
Subscribe to the Library Buzz blog to get the latest in your inbox or follow us on Twitter and Instagram @citytechlibrary.