Scholarly publishing workshops for Spring 2023

These workshops support your publishing and teach how to make yourself more visible and how to document the impact of your work.

Get Evidence! Scholarly Metrics for Your PARSE and CV
April 4, 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Covers Google Scholar Profile for citations and Google Scholar for journal rankings, Scimago for journal rankings, Altmetric Attention Scores for social media, and download reports from Academic Works (and other repositories). We’ll also touch on finding individual journal acceptance rates as well as Journal Impact Factors. The workshop will briefly address books and book chapters as well.

Get Organized! Zotero Basics
Tuesday, April 25, 3:30-4:30 PM
Attendees will learn the capabilities of this powerful, free open-source reference management software program. The session covers the functionalities of the Zotero client, adding the Zotero plugin to your browser, and importing citations to generate a bibliography. To maximize our workshop time, please download Zotero from and create your username and password in the Zotero client software by going to EDIT > PREFERENCES > >SYNC

Author Identifier (ORCID) for Publishing and Grantsmanship
(Express Workshop: 30 minutes)
Thursday May 4, 3:00-4:00 PM  
ORCID IDs are author identifiers. They are especially helpful to authors with names that are more common but they have other benefits including speedier registration in systems for submitting articles, reviewing, and grant applications. Grantees who use their ORCID when applying for a grant help to assure that funders connect your funding program to your scholarship. ORCID also helps potential funders to efficiently review your publications.

Who Is This Weird Publisher? Avoiding Predatory Journals and Conferences
Tuesday May 16, 2:30-3:30 PM
Predatory journals and conferences are a hot topic but frequently misunderstood. We’ll debunk some myths and learn more about predatory journal and conference characteristics as well as how to thoughtfully evaluate a journal or conference before submitting. This workshop will include hands-on activities.

Our Scholarly Publishing Clinic is available on-demand and during our office hour at 4 PM every first Tuesday of the month. We provide one-on-one consultations as well as workshops that fit your schedule. Find more scholarly communications and publishing support from the library on our website. Questions? Contact Prof. Monica Berger