Black History Month 2025

Event! The Sun Rises in the East  
On February 11, 11 am-1 pm ,the Department of African American Studies will screen and discuss the documentary,
The Sun Rises in The Eastflyer for screening of The Sun Rises in the Eastwhich was



















released in 2022 and chronicles the founding and the legacy of The East organization in Central Brooklyn. To compliment the screening and panel, we are mounting a library exhibit celebrating Old Brooklyn and we want
YOUR help. 

Do your old photo albums show a Brooklyn that no longer exists? Pics of your favorite landmarks. Playgrounds and parks filled with carefree children. Stylish people in sheepskin coats, Kangol hats and Adidas sneakers. Downtown Brooklyn before the high rises. Concerts at Wingate or Prospect Park. Pictures from your high school days or your former Brooklyn workplace.
Share pieces of your archive with us.

Email with the subject line – Brooklyn Photos – to send us pics to include in our slideshow showcasing our community’s connection to and the beauty of Brooklyn.