Banned Books Week September 23-29

Image of Banned Books Week Banner
The City Tech Library is celebrating Banned Books Week, from September 23-29. This  annual event examines how books have been censored throughout history. Books have been removed from schools and libraries due to their controversial or unpopular ideas. In response, the American Libraries Association has celebrated Banned Books Week since the 1980s, highlighting the damage of censoring books. Books are still being challenged and censored to this day.
On display in the City Tech Library are several books that have been challenged or banned. We encourage the City Tech community to borrow these books. Here is a list of the Top Ten Most Challenged Books, many which may surprise you of why they were banned in the first place.
For more information about Banned Books Week, visit the official Banned Books Week website.
This is an image entitled, Where do Challenges Come from. It depicts a pyramid of public challenges, reported challenges, and silent challenges.
An image depicting the statistics of the number of challenged books and reasons why.
An image that shows The Top Ten Challenged Books oo 2017.