Faculty Workshops – Fall 2013

Workshops are open to all City Tech faculty and staff!


All workshops are held in the library in A441 unless otherwise noted.

RSVP: Prof. Maura Smale, Information Literacy Librarian, msmale@citytech.cuny.edu, x5748

Encouraging Good Googling: Helping Students Learn to Evaluate Internet Sources
Wednesday September 25 @ 1-2pm
How can we help students learn to distinguish the good from the bad (or the ugly) online? We’ll discuss strategies to boost students’ evaluation skills and help them find credible information on the internet.
Advanced Search Techniques for Library and Internet Resources
Wednesday October 9 @ 1-2pm
Improve your research skills and go beyond the basics with Boolean operators, truncation, limiters, and other sophisticated search strategies in library databases, Google, and more.
Textbooks: Why is there a problem? What are some solutions?
Wednesday October 23 @ 1-2pm (held in the Faculty Commons N227)
What are the problems with textbooks? Why do students sometimes resist buying them? Come to this Open Access Week workshop to discuss open educational resources. Hear from faculty across the college who use them, and learn more about library resources and support for open educational materials.
Open Access Happy Hour: Open Access for the Arts
Thursday October 24 @ 4-5:30pm (held in the Faculty Lounge A632)
Using or producing creative works online requires artists and scholars to work with a nuanced (and complicated) copyright, license, and use guidelines. Find out ways to use public domain and open access resources in your creative work, and how to protect the rights of artists in online environments.
Finding Scholarly Information with Google Scholar
Wednesday November 6 @ 1-2pm
Explore the resources found in Google Scholar (conference papers, preprints, journal articles, etc.). We’ll also customize Scholar preferences to facilitate full-text access from home or office computers.
Using Photoshop to Create Graphics for Instruction
Wednesday November 13 @ 1-2pm
Are you interested in creating graphics for your class or resizing your digital photographs? Learn how to use Photoshop, including the toolbar, layers, cropping, image filters, text, special effects, and more.

Looking for a workshop that you don’t see here?

Consider requesting a custom workshop for faculty and staff.

Visit our website to learn more:


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I was drawn to librarianship because I’m always interested in learning something new. While conversing with other librarians, it occurs to me that a great many of us are generalists, and I’d have to class myself as one, too. But I’ve always loved the history of art and architecture. People’s passions often come alive when they are able to create memories around their interests. I love to travel and experiencing the art and architecture of another place is a big part of what makes travel so exhilarating to me.
What book (or other source) would you recommend to others from City Tech Library’s collection, and why?
I’m really enthusiastic about our subject guides! They are succinct, easily navigable web pages designed to direct students to a broad scope of resources among different disciplines. Often, it can be difficult to find a springboard when tasked with research because there is so much information to sift through. I find the subject guides especially practical because they steer the student toward developing a research plan, and provide a welcome jumping off point.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I like to be surrounded by as much green as possible in my free time. I frequent the Brooklyn Botanic Garden on a weekly basis and have most recently taken advantage of the CUNY summer schedule to make trips to New England during the extended weekends. As much as I love being in the great outdoors, I am also a huge visual consumer of New York’s cityscape; I try to look up and around me constantly. It’s the best way for me to relax!

Faculty/Staff Workshop: Research Beyond the City Tech Library

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty and staff to a workshop. You may be familiar with interlibrary loan for resources not available here at City Tech, but did you know that we participate in consortia that permit access to research libraries around New York City? Participants will also learn how to make the most of browser add-ons and other online tools to help identify, locate, and connect with resources from other libraries.
Our workshop will be held on Wednesday, March 19, 1:00-2:00pm in Rm. A441, Library (Atrium, 4th Floor). RSVP to Prof. Monica Berger at mberger@citytech.cuny.edu or Prof. Anne Leonard at aleonard@citytech.cuny.edu.
Visit our website for our full schedule of faculty and staff workshops

Faculty/Staff Workshop: Getting Started with Instructional Web Design

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty and staff to a workshop. Learn to design web pages for instructional use, including layout and navigation, color and graphics, and developing effective content. We will look at beginner HTML, the basics of creating and posting on WordPress-based sites, and other online alternatives.
Our workshop will be held on Wednesday March 5, 1:00-2:00pm in Rm. A441, Library, Atrium 4th Fl. RSVP to Prof. Junior Tidal at jtidal@citytech.cuny.edu.

Tech Happy Hour: Tools For Your Tablet

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty and staff to a workshop. Do you have a tablet computer, either an iPad or Android device? Curious about how you can use it for more than watching movies or playing games? Join your colleagues for wine and cheese at this library workshop and learn about apps and strategies you can use to supercharge your tablet for your research, teaching, and productivity.
Our workshop will be held on Thursday February 27, 5:00-6:30pm in Rm. A632, Faculty Lounge, Atrium 6th Fl. RSVP to Prof. Maura Smale at msmale@citytech.cuny.edu.

Faculty/Staff Workshop: Copyright/Fair Use in Digital Teaching

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty and staff to a workshop. Do you know how copyright and fair use applies to web-based teaching? Are you interested in making material available to students online? Learn about the tools and guidelines available for your use.
Our workshop will be held on Wednesday February 19, 1-2pm in Rm. A441 in the Library, Atrium 4th Fl. RSVP to Prof. Bronwen Densmore at bdensmore@citytech.cuny.edu.

Faculty/Staff Workshop: Using Photoshop to Create Graphics for Instruction

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty and staff to a library workshop. Are you interested in creating graphics for your class or resizing your digital photographs? Learn how to use Photoshop, including the toolbar, layers, cropping, image filters, text, special effects, and more.
Our workshop will be held on Wednesday November 13, 1-2pm in Rm. A441 in the Library, Atrium 4th Fl. RSVP to Prof. Junior Tidal at jtidal@citytech.cuny.edu.

Faculty/Staff Workshop: Finding Scholarly Information with Google Scholar

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty and staff to a library workshop. Explore the resources found in Google Scholar (conference papers, preprints, journal articles, etc.). We’ll also customize Scholar preferences to facilitate full-text access from home or office computers.
Our workshop will be held on Wednesday November 6, 1-2pm in Rm. A441 in the Library, Atrium 4th Fl. RSVP to Prof. Monica Berger at mberger@citytech.cuny.edu.

Faculty/Staff Workshop: Open Access For the Arts

Come enjoy wine & cheese with your colleagues at our Open Access Happy Hour!
Using or producing creative works online requires artists and scholars to work with a nuanced (and
complicated) copyright, license, and use guidelines. Find out ways to use public domain
and open access resources in your creative work, and how to protect the rights of artists
in online environments.
Our workshop will be held on Thursday October 24, 4:00-5:30pm in the Faculty Lounge, Atrium 632. RSVP to Prof. Bronwen Densmore at bdensmore@citytech.cuny.edu.
This workshop is being offered as a part of Open Access Week (October 21-27). For more information about open access publishing visit http://openaccess.commons.gc.cuny.edu/.

Faculty/Staff Workshop: What Are the Problems with Textbooks?

Why do students sometimes resist buying and reading textbooks? How is the landscape of textbook publishing changing, and how can we take advantage of new strategies and platforms to ensure that our students have access to high quality curricular materials? Come to this Open Access Week workshop to learn more about open educational resources! You’ll hear from faculty across the college who use these materials in their courses, and learn more about library resources and support for open educational materials.
Our workshop will be held on Wednesday October 23, 1-2pm in the Faculty Commons, Namm 227. RSVP to Prof. Maura Smale at msmale@citytech.cuny.edu.
This workshop is being offered as a part of Open Access Week (October 21-27). For more information about open access publishing visit http://openaccess.commons.gc.cuny.edu/.