A busy Tuesday! – Update from the Instructional Design Intern

It has been a very busy Tuesday! First up, we got some feedback about our IRB (which Nora turned in last week). Just a few minor edits, but we’re well on our way! Hopefully with such a quick turnaround this time, it won’t be long for us to get approved (*fingers crossed*) After hearing this great news, I moved forward with finding images for our tutorials landing page. We want to make the tutorials landing page more visually appealing. As a part of that effort, I found OpenClipArt and used some of their public domain images to create a cohesive page. This page will be publicly updated soon!
In addition to the landing page, I updated the database tutorials, which had been languishing since I left for winter break. With a few new additions, we should be launching that tutorial within the next few weeks.
Finally, I spent a large portion of my day working on the library’s orientation website. I’m working to create a modularized homepage that takes students through various lessons about the library. So far, I’ve made the homepage, plus a page about library basics (which has been giving me formatting fits) and a page about using your City Tech ID at the library. Next week, I plan to get an annotated map of the library explaining what’s available in each section. I also hope to create an orientation to the library website, which would consist of a brief annotated overview of a screenshot of the homepage. I will be discussing my plans for the orientation site with Nora and will hopefully have some feedback by this time next week.
Have a great rest of this week!