Prologue: The Tale of Sludgie the Whale
Most sea animals can’t even survive more than 72hours in the Gowanus Canal and Sludgie the Whale was proof that the Gowanus waters is inhabitable. This propose a threat on how New York City had neglected cleaning up the Gowanus for decades. As I look deep into the Sludgie the whale story, you tend to have a heavy heart for the whale because every time the whale would reach the surface, it would be this black sludge on it’s face and mouth area. No mammel should ever go through swimming with pollution like Sludgie the whale has done, this was the result of a storm starring the whale in the direction of polluted Canal. Gowanus is the primary example of polluted water that should be a world wide clean-up in other polluted bodies of water due to horrific results of what pollution has done to life globally.