Dear Garbage Group:
Here are some things you can address in a rewrite of this site report to improve your grade:
-Are you sure those are hotels in the background? I don’t think that’s right. Research the answer instead of guessing.
-Somewhere in the first few questions you need a better description of the shapes and dimensions of paths, open spaces, shoreline, green space, etc. Think about describing the space to someone who has never seen it. Are the paths straight or curved? How much space is devoted to guided movement, and how much space is open?
-You need to describe the connection between the themes of your performance with the space itself more directly (question 5).
-Your research questions is MUCH TOO BIG!! Entire libraries of books have been written about recycling and the environment. You can narrow it down by focusing on urban pollution, water pollution, recycling laws, etc. Target your question so that it supports your performance. Your performance was on practical uses of recyclable trash. Can you rephrase accordingly?
-Because your question is not focused, the articles you located are not appropriate. After rewriting your question find materials about recycling in New York City, or about creative uses of trash.
Dear Garbage Group:
Here are some things you can address in a rewrite of this site report to improve your grade:
-Are you sure those are hotels in the background? I don’t think that’s right. Research the answer instead of guessing.
-Somewhere in the first few questions you need a better description of the shapes and dimensions of paths, open spaces, shoreline, green space, etc. Think about describing the space to someone who has never seen it. Are the paths straight or curved? How much space is devoted to guided movement, and how much space is open?
-You need to describe the connection between the themes of your performance with the space itself more directly (question 5).
-Your research questions is MUCH TOO BIG!! Entire libraries of books have been written about recycling and the environment. You can narrow it down by focusing on urban pollution, water pollution, recycling laws, etc. Target your question so that it supports your performance. Your performance was on practical uses of recyclable trash. Can you rephrase accordingly?
-Because your question is not focused, the articles you located are not appropriate. After rewriting your question find materials about recycling in New York City, or about creative uses of trash.