Research Blog 5

Well I have learned several things that I knew in brief, but in the class it was well explained. Like when using the databases we have to use specific keywords in order to have good results. One thing that I wasn’t sure about was the use of the search engines, when I wanted information I would only look in databases but, now I can look at any website and know if that information is relevant or not. As we all know when looking for information, we have a certain criteria that has to be made before choosing an article that can relate to any topic we are working on. I see myself looking back at Badke’s book because it contains a lot useful information when writing a research paper. It has several key points that can help anyone when trying to write a paper. I would recommend the book to anyone and I know that everyone will use it at least one time in their life. At some point we will look back and say that we learned so many things in this class that every student should take it and as might well enjoy it with the useful information it contains and gives to students.

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